Mobile Vehicle Type Cigarette Smoke Detection and Alarm System
How does this smell occur when there is a smoking ban in the vehicle. Of course, by smoking, if the windows are open, if the ventilation is operated, if the perfume is sprayed, the smell of tobacco smoke penetrates the tissues of the vehicle.
Rental Cars, Company vehicles, Common use pool vehicles and Vehicles in the Fleet Our Problem is Cigarette Smell.
The smell of cigarette smoke heard in the vehicle is called third-hand smoke.
What is it? Third-hand smoke: It is the smoke that affects people entering a place where smoking was previously smoked, although there was no smoking in the vehicle.
It has been scientifically proven that the smoke penetrating into the clothes, skin and hair of smokers, as well as on items such as interiors, seats, mats, can affect the health of other people using the vehicle even if the environment is ventilated.
Solution It is an in-vehicle cigarette, tobacco smoke detection and reporting system.
Even if he smokes a cigarette, instant information comes to you instantly and you can return to the past and report.
What is Mobile Measurement?
With the cigarette smoke sensor installed in the vehicle, it is our service that can continuously measure and keep the ambient conditions under control, instantly transmits the measurement values to the Data Center over the internet and warns when the specified values are exceeded. With this service, your measured values are recorded retrospectively and can be reported instantly.
What Does Mobile Measurement Offer You?
In-vehicle cigarette smoke allows you to follow the environment values automatically and in real time with a tobacco detector.
In case of cigarette smoke detection, it notifies you via alarm, e-mail, sms and application on the mobile device.
Alert values, type and frequency are easily adjusted.
Mobile Measurement service is provided from Turkey's first highly equipped Data Center. Your data is stored in areas with high security standards.
Mobile Cigarette Smoke Meter consists of a device and sensor / sensors
The devices are GSM connected.
Sensors are cable structure.
Your instantaneous measured values are saved on the Mobile Data Center in an immutable and indelible form. The ambient condition information of your device is stored free of charge for 1 year.
You can configure variables such as the threshold intervals for which your device will warn, how long / frequency and with which method it will be warned after the threshold violation, via the web portal.
By logging into the system via the web page where you can track your device, you can get historical daily / weekly / monthly or desired time interval reports.
In what types of vehicles can I use the Mobile Smoke Measurement service?
Rental Cars
Fleet vehicles
Company Vehicles
Urban Minibus
Intercity Bus
Truck, Light Truck, Tow Truck
Ambulance, Firefighter, Safety vehicles
Mobile work machines