Card access control systems established by Platinum technology are used to monitor the entrances and exits of people in factories, holdings, public institutions, banks, workplaces, to limit the rooms they will use in the building, to monitor and report the movements of the users.
By printing pictures and personal information on the cards given to people, it also solves the problems such as using someone else's card in crowded workplaces.
In line with the requirements of the Platin Technology project, one of the world's leading brands honeywell, PW5000 - PW 2200 - NETAXS series products working with Winpak pro - international software; We use HONEYWELL, DAHUA, HIKVISION, ROSSLARE, HID and INDALA branded high-tech card readers in our projects in Turkey.
Fingerprint control
Checking the retina of the eye
Face recognition
Smart card
Proximity card and password applications
Access control panels are RS232 - RS485 and TCP / IP based. The building is divided into sections by using TCP / IP based panels at points where the connections between the control panels of the Pass-Card and Security System cannot provide the line length of the standard RS485 communication. In terms of capacity, various numbers of panels with RS485 protocol can be connected to each TCP / IP panel according to the brand, and a total of more than 1000 panels and thousands of doors can be served to tens of thousands of users. In the system, each panel also has an event memory. Due to its IP-based architecture, access control systems in buildings that are thousands of kilometers away from each other can not be integrated with each other.
There are projects built by Platinum technology in this way, where a total of 1500 access points with 25,000 users and 17 buildings in different provinces consisting of 100 turnstiles are integrated.
Win-PAK PRO Security Center Software; WIN-PAK PRO Central Station provides solutions and complete security over traditional control systems. WIN-PAK PRO Central Station includes options such as remote digital video monitoring and control management functions. User-customized reports can be created, allowing them to be published hourly, daily or weekly. Alarms, events and reports can be sent to mobile phone or any device active e-mail. Advanced operator actions such as badging of remote photo tools, badging ID card, connection via Internet option, alarm routing, keyboard shortcuts, floor plan graphic displays and remote digital video monitoring provide strong support. WIN-PAK PRO Central Station provides access via the web. Users can access live information using any standard web browser interface. With predefined user privileges, the user can manage the system remotely. Flexible database architecture available (MSDE 2000) or optional SQL Server 2000 uses Microsoft ® Data Engine. Supported operating systems include Microsoft Windows ® 2003 Server, Windows XP Professional SP2, Windows 2000 Professional or Windows 2000 Server.
Access Control Alarm and Event Monitoring Real-time Monitor alarms and events
99 Alarm priority levels / events
Control and response, description, live video and recorded video
Live floor plan monitoring with icons
Remote Digital Video Monitoring using supported DVR, Record events, Pan-tilt zoom
Multi-camera control, Alarm video pop-up, Video Verification to prevent unauthorized access, show 16 Video at a time
Central Station Operator Controls, Monitor alarms and events in real time, Remote digital video monitoring, Operator event tracking Account exclusive access Quick keyboard shortcuts Alarm or event forwarding operator-Customized Reporting, User customized reporting options, Email report options, smartphone sending detailed reports to mobile phone, fax, e-mail
User Web Interface, Access from any web browser, Running pre-defined and scheduled reports, Adding / deleting, Uploading a card user photo, Uploading pictures without managing authorization levels and time zones
The software developed by Honeywell and applied by Platinum technology offers ideal solutions for the security needs of large building complexes by gathering all security requirements such as fire, perimeter security, card access, closed circuit television in a single center.
With ÇATI software, which enables all security functions to be monitored and managed from a single center, it provides significant reductions in investment and operation costs, while maximizing the efficiency of the security system.
Systems integrated with the roof software are listed as follows.
Card pass and PhotoID
Security control panels
Closed Circuit Television
Fire alarm and detection
Programmable controllers
PDKS systems
Reporting, timing, entry-exit control
Each cabinet is kept locked in the System Room; However, since this method is not practical in practice, these keys are either all the same, are not subject to a follow-up process or are not used at all: authorization, logging and alarm management are not made in accessing the cabinet. Solution Rack cabinet type are access control applications.
It is now very easy to make a professional card access control system without making any revisions on the doors in your existing office and integrate it with other existing systems. Wireless lock and reader solutions in Platinum Technology

Hotel type Lock and Reader Systems
Areas with dense office and human circulation such as banks, conglomerates, hospitals, hotels, motels, timeshare businesses, residence, plaza-type organizations, authorization and reporting solutions for the use of doors
Now smart phones can be used for Turnstiles, Lifts, gates, passages. The new solution provides the user's safety and comfort in today's mobile world.
Smart card readers can write and read information on the field on the card and use this field for password control. Hid Omnikey Smart readers are designed to support any smart card for any application on any computer.